Tuesday, June 8, 2010

JAZZOO: 1,000 sandwiches in two and a half hours.

On Friday, June 4, a crew of Pachamama's cooks and servers went to Jazzoo, an annual fundraiser for the Kansas City Zoo. (Money goes towards feeding animals and funding children's educational programs.) It's a chance for restaurants and bars to show off a little.

Each vendor gets a little tent and a table to serve food and/or drinks at, and these tents line the sidewalks of the KC Zoo. We were next to Big Momma's Bakery, a KC establishment famous for its dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls. They proved to be great booth-neighbors (we got to end our evening with a midnight snack of rolls.) Be sure to check them out - this is a business with some serious history.

At Pachamama's booth, we were serving pulled pork sandwiches with blue cheese & red cabbage slaw, and smoked apple butter. We also had a white gazpacho that was refreshing and zesty: garlic and almonds, sherry vinegar and olive oil, a dash of buttermilk, and a few other ingredients were pureed up into a pretty off-white soup, and garnished with grapes and almonds.

Here's cook Avery, chef/owner Ken, and server Tiffany. Time is about 6:00 p.m. They don't know what's about to him them...

Ken and Avery cut up rolls. Almost 1,000 rolls, that is.

Tiffany sets out the first round of sandwiches and gazpacho.

This is what the sandwiches looked like -- and they are about to disappear at a rapid pace.

Okay, notice that the ABOVE picture is taken during daylight, and the BELOW picture is taken at night time. This transition represents THE LOST HOURS; that's how it felt to our staff, too! As soon as guests began to arrive, the Pachamama's tent was swarmed with people. "Heard you had pulled pork!" "Our friends told us we've got to come try some of that pulled pork!" "Back for seconds -- I just love this pulled pork!"

Between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m., Ken and Avery assembled nearly 1,000 little sandwiches, which Tiffany immediately passed off to the horde of people crowded around the booth.

And then ... as suddenley as the rush began, it was 2.5 hours later, the sandwiches were all gone, the air had cooled, and the staff could ladle out the last of the gazpacho in relative calm. Here's Ken, able to finally relax:

Tiffany and the lonely last tray of gazpacho:

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