Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Punny Thing Happens at the Star Bar.

So a Pachamama's employee walks into a bar on his day off, sits down, and orders a burger made with ground lamb. When the burger is ready, he is faced with this barrage of lame puns....

Prashant (to employee): Here's your hamburger.

Roy: That's not a hamburger, it's a lamburger.

Prashant: It's not a lamburger, it's a Whamburger. It's made out of George Michael.

Roy: It's not a Whamburger, it's a scramburger. So why don't you take it and get out.

Becca: It's not a scramburger, it's an examburger. You have to take a test over it after you eat it.

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